Latest Data on Car Accidents in North Carolina

Traffic fatalities in North Carolina surged to 275,000 in 2023. This article explores the latest data, high-risk areas, common causes, and the legal and financial consequences you should know about.

Key Takeaways

  • In 2023, North Carolina experienced approximately 275,000 car accidents, marking a 5% increase from the previous year, with around 1,400 fatalities and 85,000 injuries, highlighting an ongoing risk on the roads.
  • Key contributors to the rising car accident rates include distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, reckless driving, and driver fatigue, necessitating heightened awareness and adherence to traffic safety and safe driving practices.
  • Legal and financial ramifications for car crashes are significant, with North Carolina operating under a ‘fault’-based system for determining liability and insurance premiums surging by up to 90% after an at-fault accident, underlining the importance of careful driving and understanding the legal landscape.


In the span of a year, the roads of North Carolina have witnessed a steady climb in car accidents, with the number of crashes reported in 2023 topping approximately 275,000. This marks a 5% increase from the previous year, underscoring a concerning trend that has unfolded over time. The human toll is even more alarming, with fatalities from car accidents increasing by 12.8% in 2020 compared to the previous year, culminating in 1,658 deaths. And while the number of fatalities dipped to about 1,400 in 2023, the sheer volume of injuries—around 85,000—reveals the pervasive danger that drivers and passengers face on our roads every day.

This post delves into the most recent figures on car accidents in North Carolina, analyzing the causes and effects, and spotlighting the regions with high risk. We will discuss:

  • The legal consequences for drivers
  • The financial burden on insurance
  • The aid accessible for victims
  • Preventive strategies
  • Significant recent incidents
  • The efforts of law enforcement in maintaining road safety

The journey through these revelations starts with the raw numbers and collision data that lay the foundation for understanding the magnitude of the issue at hand.

Latest Data on Car Accidents in North Carolina

The latest figures are a stark reminder that the risk on our roads is not abating. In 2020, North Carolina was the scene of 247,214 traffic incidents, a number that has since swelled to approximately 275,000 by 2023. This sustained rise in car accidents is not just a statistic; it represents countless moments of impact that have left vehicles crumpled and lives upended. While fatalities from car accidents showed a sharp rise of 12.8% in 2020, the grim tally of lives lost in 2023 stands at around 1,400. These numbers, however, tell only part of the story, as the approximately 85,000 injuries in the same year reflect the numerous individuals and families who have been thrust into physical and emotional turmoil.

Rather than decreasing, the trend points towards a rise, with car accidents in 2023 escalating by 5% compared to the preceding year. It is a trend that, over time, has not only continued but accelerated, raising questions and concerns that demand our collective attention. As we delve into the data, it’s evident that an effective solution necessitates understanding the dynamics behind these statistics. This leads us to examine the common culprits that contribute to the growing number of car accidents in our state.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in North Carolina

The causes of the recurring mishaps on North Carolina’s roads are as diverse as they are avoidable. Some of the main culprits include:

  • Distracted driving: This includes activities such as texting, scrolling through social media, or eating while driving. In 2020, distracted driving was a factor in a staggering 44,128 crashes.
  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for the road conditions is a common cause of accidents.
  • Drunk driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a dangerous behavior that puts lives at risk.
  • Reckless driving: This includes behaviors such as aggressive driving, tailgating, and running red lights.
  • Fatigue: Driving while tired can impair judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.

These are just a few examples of the causes of accidents on North Carolina’s roads. By being aware of these risks and practicing safe driving habits, we can help reduce the number of accidents and make our roads safer.

Speed is another significant factor, as excessive velocity curtails reaction time and amps up the severity of crashes. On the darker side of driving behavior, impairment from alcohol or drugs severely hampers judgment and responsiveness. In 2020 alone, close to 5,000 drivers involved in crashes had a blood-alcohol content exceeding the legal limit, contributing to over 11,000 accidents where alcohol played a role. Aggressive driving, including behaviors such as tailgating and road rage, further compounds the problem, paving the way for collisions. The combination of these elements not only leads to accidents but also pinpoints the areas where vigilance and education could be game-changers.

With this knowledge in hand, we turn our gaze to the specific locations within North Carolina that pose the greatest risk to drivers and highlight the importance of road safety.

High-Risk Areas for Car Accidents in North Carolina

As drivers navigate the roads of North Carolina, certain stretches and intersections present a higher risk than others. More than half of all fatal and injury crashes occur near intersections, with nearly 40,000 crashes happening at intersections without traffic control devices. The most perilous spots weave a web across the state, from the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53 in Pender County with its highest danger factor of 9.71, to the busy crossing of Graham and University City in Mecklenburg County, which registers a danger factor of 8.85. Locations like these are hotspots for collisions, underscoring the need for vigilant driving and perhaps, more importantly, for measures that can mitigate these risks.

In cities like Charlotte, the bustling urban environment contributes to the concentration of high-risk areas. Traffic congestion in these areas often exacerbates the danger, making intersections even more perilous. The intersection of US 74 and SR 1506 in Columbus County, with a danger factor of 7.84, and the crossing of US 70 and NC 87 in Alamance County, tagged at 7.07, are but a few on a list of intersections where caution is not just advised, it’s imperative. Understanding these high-risk zones is crucial for drivers who traverse these roads daily, and for policymakers tasked with improving road safety.

While pondering over the perilous geography of car accidents, we must also contemplate the legal ramifications for those entangled in such unfortunate incidents.

Legal Consequences for Drivers Involved in Accidents

When the dust settles after a crash, drivers in North Carolina are confronted with a legal landscape that is as intricate as it is strict. Operating under a ‘fault’-based system, the state holds responsible parties accountable for all damages and injuries stemming from an accident they cause. This accountability includes legal liability, which can have serious consequences for the at-fault driver. The immediacy of the situation requires drivers to report any ‘reportable accident’ to law enforcement without delay, especially when injuries, deaths, or significant property damage are involved. However, the contributory negligence rule in North Carolina is unforgiving; being even 1% at fault can bar a driver from recovering compensation. This harsh reality emphasizes the importance of:

  • driving with care
  • understanding the legal landscape
  • knowing the reporting requirements
  • being aware of the high stakes involved when mistakes are made on the road.

If tragedy strikes and a car accident results in death, the window for filing a wrongful death claim is pegged at two years from the date of the incident. For non-fatal accidents, those involved have a three-year timeline to initiate legal proceedings. These deadlines are a stark reminder of the ticking clock that starts the moment a crash occurs. With legal implications that can alter lives, it’s no surprise that car accidents also have a significant impact on something almost every driver deals with—insurance.

Impact of Car Accidents on Insurance Costs

The financial repercussions of a car accident can resonate long post the incident, especially in terms of insurance premiums. In North Carolina, an at-fault accident can lead to an average increase of 79% for property damage and an even more staggering 90% for accidents involving injuries. These heightened rates serve as a sobering reminder of the long-term costs associated with car accidents. The skyrocketing premiums after a serious mishap can be notably weighty, mirroring the severity of the incident and its effect on a driver’s profile of risk.

Insurance companies typically take between three to five years to roll back rates after an accident, a timeline that can feel especially long for those paying the price of a momentary lapse on the road. For the fortunate few, accident forgiveness policies may offer a reprieve from rate hikes following a first accident, but even drivers not at fault could see their premiums rise, albeit less than if they were to blame.

The financial impact of car accidents goes beyond instant repairs and medical expenses, infiltrating the sphere of insurance costs that influence drivers’ finances for years ahead. For those affected by car accidents, knowing what resources are available can be a crucial lifeline in navigating the path to recovery.

Resources for Victims of Car Accidents

In the wake of a car accident, victims in North Carolina are not left to shoulder the burden alone. The state’s Crime Victim Compensation Services provide a glimmer of hope, offering financial assistance for medical expenses and lost wages to those affected by crimes, including drunk driving incidents. However, the clock is ticking for those seeking aid, with a two-year deadline from the date of injury to file for compensation. Medical expenses are eligible for consideration for up to one year after the crime, with a cap of $45,000, and up to $10,000 can be allocated for funeral expenses in the event of a death.

The support offered by Crime Victim Compensation Services includes:

  • Direct and practical assistance
  • Benefits paid to service providers to cover costs not met by other sources like health insurance or Medicaid
  • Financial relief for victims navigating the aftermath of a car accident
  • A sense of justice and support in a time of need

These resources provide important support for victims.

While these resources are instrumental for recuperation, the primary aim is to prevent car accidents altogether. It is within this proactive mindset that we explore the measures that can help make our roads safer for everyone.

Preventive Measures to Reduce Car Accidents

The path to safer roads in North Carolina begins with personal accountability and a joint pledge to adhere to safe driving habits. Simple yet effective preventive strategies, such as:

  • maintaining a safe following distance
  • signaling every turn
  • vigilance at intersections
  • complete stops at red lights
  • wearing a seatbelt
  • taking regular breaks on long trips

Adhering to safety guidelines can drastically reduce the likelihood of accidents and prevent collisions by ensuring drivers follow proper protocols.

Weather conditions, too, play a role in road safety, with inclement weather such as:

  • heavy rain
  • fog
  • snow
  • ice

creating hazardous driving conditions. Steering clear of flooded roads can prevent accidents caused by hydroplaning or being swept away by the current. Embracing these preventive strategies is not merely about dodging accidents—it’s about fostering a safety-oriented culture that safeguards drivers and their families.

While individual actions are pivotal, recent car accident cases in North Carolina shed light on the unpredictable and sometimes dramatic nature of road incidents.

Recent Notable Car Accident Cases in North Carolina

The effect of car accidents is usually most palpable in the narratives of those directly affected. One such incident occurred on December 22, 2023, when a white sedan careened into a QuikTrip gas station in East Charlotte. The crash led to:

  • minor injuries
  • significant structural damage
  • igniting a fire alarm
  • creating a scene of chaos

As the accident investigation into the cause of the QuikTrip crash continues, no charges have been disclosed against the driver thus far. This event serves as a stark reminder of the unexpected ways in which car accidents can disrupt lives and businesses, and it underscores the importance of remaining vigilant on the roads.

The QuikTrip incident is but one example of the notable car accidents that have occurred in North Carolina, each with its own set of circumstances and consequences. These cases highlight the unpredictable nature of driving and the importance of adhering to safety regulations to prevent such occurrences. While contemplating these incidents, we also acknowledge the pivotal role of law enforcement in averting car accidents and safeguarding all road users.

The Role of Law Enforcement in Car Accident Prevention

The tapestry of road safety is woven by many hands, and those of law enforcement are among the most crucial. In North Carolina, law enforcement agencies employ a combination of public awareness campaigns, traffic enforcement, and targeted enforcement initiatives to prevent car accidents. The success of the following campaigns and programs highlights the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts:

  • ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign, which significantly increased seatbelt usage through checkpoints and citations
  • Campaigns against distracted driving
  • ‘Watch for Me NC’ program, which resulted in improved driver yielding behaviors towards pedestrians

These initiatives demonstrate law enforcement’s commitment to reducing car accidents and the injuries and fatalities they cause.

These initiatives are complemented by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol’s intense enforcement efforts, which are integral to the NC Vision Zero initiative aimed at eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries. The multifaceted approach taken by law enforcement not only saves lives but also contributes to a broader understanding of the importance of road safety. As we consider the role of law enforcement, it’s essential to also reflect on the broader implications of car accidents, including their economic and societal costs to the state of North Carolina.

The Cost of Car Accidents to the State

The consequences of car accidents go beyond personal loss and distress, imposing significant economic and societal damage on the state of North Carolina. In 2022, the total cost of fatal and serious traffic crashes amounted to a staggering $68 billion, encapsulating both economic costs and the less tangible but equally important quality-of-life losses. The average economic cost of a fatal car accident in the same year was $1,869,000, a figure that starkly illustrates the immense financial burden and economic impact these tragedies impose on society.

These costs bear testament to the far-reaching effects of car accidents, including:

  • The immediate impact on victims and their families
  • The broader implications for state resources and healthcare systems
  • The effect on quality of life and community well-being

It is a price that is paid in more than just dollars.

While reflecting on the implications of these costs, it becomes clear that improving road safety is not just a matter of individual responsibility, but also a societal necessity.


As our journey through the landscape of car accidents in North Carolina comes to a close, we’re left with a tapestry of data, stories, and strategies. From the sharp increase in car accidents and the common causes behind them to the high-risk areas and legal consequences for those involved, the narrative is both complex and compelling. The financial impact on insurance rates and the resources available to victims provide a practical understanding of the aftermath of car accidents, while preventive measures offer a beacon of hope for a safer future on our roads.

In reflecting on recent notable cases and the role of law enforcement, we see the importance of collective action and the power of awareness and enforcement in preventing accidents. Yet, the societal and economic costs remind us that the stakes are high, and the work to ensure road safety is ongoing. It’s clear that every driver has a role to play in this mission, and together, we can strive toward a time when the roads of North Carolina are not marked by the tragedies of car accidents but by the triumphs of safe passage. Road safety initiatives are crucial in this endeavor, highlighting the need for continued efforts and innovations to protect all road users.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, don’t navigate the aftermath alone. Call 980-239-2275 today to speak with one of our experienced car accident attorneys. We offer a free consultation to determine how we can best serve you and help you get the representation you deserve. Let us guide you through this challenging time and work towards securing the compensation you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trend in car accident fatalities in North Carolina?

Car accident fatalities in North Carolina saw a 12.8% increase in 2020 compared to 2019, with the number reaching 1,658. However, in 2023, there was a slight decrease to approximately 1,400 fatalities.

How have insurance rates in North Carolina been affected by car accidents?

Car accidents in North Carolina can lead to an average insurance rate increase of 79% for at-fault accidents with property damage, and 90% for accidents involving injuries. It typically takes three to five years for rates to decrease after being surcharged due to an accident.

What resources are available to victims of car accidents in North Carolina?

Victims of car accidents in North Carolina can access financial assistance for medical and funeral expenses through the Crime Victim Compensation Services, with caps of $45,000 for medical expenses and $10,000 for funeral expenses.

What is the deadline for filing a lawsuit after a car accident in North Carolina?

You must file a wrongful death claim within two years of the date of death, and for accidents involving property damage or injury, the lawsuit must be filed within three years of the date of the accident.

How does law enforcement contribute to preventing car accidents in North Carolina?

Law enforcement in North Carolina contributes to preventing car accidents by utilizing public awareness campaigns and targeted enforcement initiatives to improve driver behaviors and increase seatbelt usage. These efforts are part of the NC Vision Zero initiative aimed at eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries.

Written by 

Compassion, Commitment, Creativity & Personal Attention Born in Winston-Salem, NC in 1965. He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1988 and his JD degree from Campbell University School of Law in 1991. Steve authored the chapter on ad valorem taxation in the Minister’s Legal Desk Reference. He began the practice of law in Charlotte in August 1991, with emphasis in personal injury and worker’s compensation litigation. Steve has represented many people who have been involved in accidents, whether it be car, motorcycle, truck, construction or on the job accidents, including wrongful death and catastrophic injuries. Steve Hayes is licensed to practice in North Carolina, South Carolina and all Federal Courts. He is a member of the North Carolina Bar Association, the South Carolina Bar Association, the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers, the South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, the American Bar Association, the Mecklenburg Trial Lawyers Association and the Mecklenburg Medical Legal Society. He is an experienced trial lawyer. Steve is married to Jordan Denton Hayes and they have four children, Ella, Gabriel, Madelyn and Lillian. Steve is an active member of: American Bar Association North Carolina Bar Association South Carolina Bar Association Mecklenburg Medical Legal Society Mecklenburg Trial Lawyers Association Association of Trial Lawyers of America South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers Steve is licensed to practice in both North and South Carolina and all Federal Courts. Expertise Justia Contact the Charlotte NC Car Accident Lawyers Group at 980-239-2275.